“The Natural” is my favorite sports movie of all time

For me, one of the most inspiring things in life is to see someone do something they love and succeed greatly at whatever that may be. 

We see this happen all of the time. There are so many people out there being awesome.Those figures inspire others to pursue their own dreams at full throttle.

1984’s “The Natural” is a film that perfectly encapsulates the feeling of watching someone be great at what they love to do. 

In the movie, Robert Redford plays a man named Roy Hobbs. With help from his father, Hobbs grows to love baseball at a young age. He also discovers his gift to excel in the game. 

At 19 years old, Hobbs gets his chance at the Majors. But, he has a run in with a woman who…well, doesn’t exactly have the best intentions for Roy. She has Hobbs come to her hotel room where she shoots him, leaving Roy injured and unable to play baseball. I know, I know, pretty intense thing to have happen at the beginning of a career, right?

The film then jumps sixteen years into the future. Hobbs is now a much older man. He’s at the age where most other players would be retired or in the twilight of their career. But Hobbs has yet another chance at the Majors, and the ambition of a young rookie.

From there, we watch Hobbs wow those around him in a season he never expected to have. 

I think I could list several reasons why this is my favorite sports film. For one, it’s so exciting. The movie is structured perfectly. There are several scenes that are just so satisfying to see. The payoffs throughout this film are perfect.   

This is also an underdog story, and who doesn’t love that?  Even though Hobbs is on top of the world at one point, he ends up losing everything. He is also a really likable guy. So naturally while watching this you want to see him succeed and then some! 

On top of all that, the movie’s finale is the best. I won’t spoil it, but the ending sticks the landing about as well as a movie could. Hobbs does something amazing during the final game shown in this film. The music, the atmosphere and the story elements all come together perfectly. 

And the last shot of this movie just might bring a tear to your eye. 

But the biggest reason why this is my favorite sports movie is because at the core, the story is very relatable. 

We all have dreams, but as we know too well, sometimes our plans don’t always unfold like we hope. “The Natural” shows us that the best things can come in ways we would never expect. We can’t ever give up in life. Something amazing could be right around the corner. 

Maybe you love “The Natural” as much as I do, or maybe you’ve never seen it. Either way, I highly recommend a first time watch or a re-watch!

“The Natural” is actually playing at Fridley Theater locations for the next few days. But maybe you aren’t interested in that movie. Totally cool! They are also playing a lot of other classics right now. You can catch one of your favorites and view it in the best way possible, on the big screen!

There’s even a possibility of seeing a free movie if you mention 92.5 KJJY on Thursdays! The details are all at this link.

Also, be sure to keep checking Fridley’s websites as different throwback movies are being shown each week at their locations. Seeing classics in the theater is always a good time! 2020 is a crazy year, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a good movie every once in a while.