What is the Perfect Double Feature?

A few weeks ago, I saw a Tweet asking movie lovers a pretty fun question. If they owned a movie theater, what would their perfect double feature be?

For me personally, that’s a tough one. There are so many movies you can watch together and create an amazing night by doing so! Some movies go together like popcorn and M and M’s. 

You could watch a couple movies from the same series. While that’s a good route to go with, I tend to fall into a different direction. 

Maybe it’s because I’m weird, but if I’m planning a double feature. And not just any double feature…the perfect double feature,I want two movies from two different series! 

Some may call that logic madness. But I say, think of the variety! You’ll be able to go on not one, but two separate adventures into different worlds while meeting unique sets of characters along the way.

My perfect double feature is the combination of two all time classics. Are you ready?

“Jurassic Park” and “Back to the Future.”

While these movies meet the criteria I mentioned earlier, they do have one big thing in common. Both films spark endless joy in me! 

Every time I watch “Jurassic Park,” I’m on the edge of my seat. Seeing those dinosaurs never gets old. Dinos and the movies are a match made in heaven. I think this is because both of them are spectacles to be seen. “Jurassic Park”combines the two, and plays with your sense of awe like no other film. 

“Jurassic Park” came out in 1993, and I can’t believe how well it still holds up. That was twenty seven years ago and the dinos still look so real. The scenes that are full of wonder are still impactful. Seeing the dinos for the first time in the film never fails to put a smile on my face. When things get scary, I can’t turn away from the screen, even though I’ve almost memorized this movie scene by scene. 

While “Back to the Future” may not have any dinosaurs…it does have something just as marvelous, time travel! 

But there are so many movies about time travel. Why is “Back to the Future” special? I think it’s because it’s full of heart and surprisingly relatable. 

It’s so easy to put yourself into Marty McFly’s shoes. He and Doc Brown are just so darn likable. 

Plus, the movie makes time travel easy to digest, without coming off as confusing or not making sense. 

No matter how old “Back to the Future” gets I think people will always love it because the concepts in it are evergreen. On the surface, it’s about time travel. But at the film’s  core, it’s about knowing our past and where we came from while making the most out of our futures. 


Maybe your perfect double feature is the same as mine, maybe it isn’t. But I do know one thing, your perfect double feature probably includes two classics. Right now Fridley Theaters is actually showing a lot of throwback movies! 

Maybe there’s a movie you’ve always wanted to see in the theater, but never really had the chance to before. Now you can! 

I know I have several favorites I still need to see on the big screen someday. And I’ve been keeping a close eye on Fridley’s website, as they are showing so many classics at their locations. 

Right now, you even have the chance to see a free movie on Thursday nights at a Fridley location if you mention 92.5 KJJY!

There are a limited number of these free spots. Details and Fridley locations can be found at this link: https://www.kjjy.com/2020/07/20/fridley-free-movie-ticket-contest/

I hope you will be able to check out one of your favorites before the summer ends in the best way possible, on the big screen!